Nike really hit it out the park with this one. No word on stock numbers or even where these will be available, but best believe they'll be a tough out and resale will be at least triple the retail price or more depending on how limited these are.

Little League International stripped Chicago’s Jackie Robinson West Little League of the 2014 United States title and vacated all the games it won for using ineligible players. Some people think this was about race, but Jeff Johnson says this wasn’t about racism. Listen to the audio player to hear who needs to be held accountable in this edition […]

The biopic about the trailblazing baseball player Jackie Robinson is catching some heat for the characterization of other baseball players in the film. The family…


Looks like the Jackie Robinson biopic, “42″, stunned everyone when it came in number one at the box office this weekend, making $9.1 million. It…

When it comes to the issue of race in America, Hollywood can never quite get it right.  Most mainstream screenwriters and directors are either too…

Talk about a biopic of the life of Jackie Robinson has hit fever pitch. After months of speculation as to how the film titled “42″…

The coveted role of Jackie Robinson has finally been filled. The actor set to play the legendary baseball player will be Chadwick Boseman. For those scratching your head as to who he is, he has made appearances on Lincoln Heights and Persons Unknown. Boseman has commented on how honored he is to be playing Jackie […]