About Zoe Norman-Hunt

Recently Shonda Rhimes said that if she could have anyone as a guest star on her show “Scandal,” she would choose Bill Clinton. While I’m sure that won’t happen, there’s always a chance that pigs will fly and Bill Clinton will guest star on “Scandal,” so let me explain why this is a terrible idea. […]

The time has come for the strong independent black woman on television. I know that might sound strange, but as I looked at the shows that have been given the green light for the upcoming seasons I realized how many shows that have been renewed and been approved for pilots have black women as their […]

There are nothing but theories running wild as to why Solange Knowles attacked her brother in-law Jay-Z in an elevator last Monday night after the Met Gala, but no real answers have been given as to what caused the fight. We have a theory that we’d like to let you in on and see what […]

Recently we’ve been noticing that there are a lot of shows with black people who actually have something to say and we have to say: We love it! Below are a list of shows we think everyone should be watching to support our black actors and television personalities: NEW SHOWS YOU SHOULD WATCH! SHOWS ON […]

TMZ released a video this morning of Solange, the little sister of Beyonce, violently attacking Beyonce’s husband Jay Z in an elevator following the Met Gala on May 5th. We can’t for the life of us think of why Solange would attack Jay Z or why Beyonce would stay so calm while she watched her little […]