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Looks like being snubbed by the Los Angeles Lakers for the head coaching position has gotten the competitive juices of Phil Jackson flowing again. His name tops the Brooklyn Nets list of replacements for the recently fired Avery Johnson. While Jackson’s agent denies the Zen master is interested in the job, writer Ramona Shelbourne reports that the 11-time champion would entertain a call from Brooklyn’s brass.

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The question is do the Nets have enough to win a championship right now? We know the requirements of a Phil Jackson coached team: at least two Hall of Fame players on the roster (which the Nets do not have), guards who can shoot the three consistently (negative there), and a squad willing to run the triangle offense (jury is still out). One thing Jackson would be getting that he never had in Chicago or L.A.: a true superstar point guard.

Let’s be real. Phil Jackson would go to the Knicks before taking on a flawed Nets team even if they are in New York now. But hey, the owner has very deep pockets and Phil has absolutely nothing left to prove. Incidentally, other coaches in the running are Jeff Van Gundy, Nate MacMillan, Larry Brown (?), and Mike Dunleavy.

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Phil Jackson Tops Nets’ List To Replace Avery Johnson  was originally published on