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Raising Kanan Recap: Episode 7, No Love Lost

Source: Starz / Raising Kanan

Raq’s sweet Symphony hits a sour note, Paloma finally robs Kanan’s cradle, and Marvin being over-ambitious could ruin the working truce with the Italians. Even in death, Crown Camacho still haunts Lou Lou, and Jukebox questions her lifestyle while reflecting on her past relationship with Nicole on this week’s episode of Raising Kanan

Jukebox Still Misses Nicole But Questions Her Lifestyle

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

The episode opens up with Jukebox paying a visit to her late girlfriend Nicole’s grave. Her moment of silence with Nicole is interrupted when Nicole’s dad shows up.

Jukebox is startled to see him, but he quickly assures her that she can be there and that he never believed she was responsible for Nicole’s death. Nicole’s father, a white man with some sense, admits to Jukebox that he knew his daughter was wild, and it was only a matter of time before something like that would have happened.

Nicole’s dad thanks Jukebox for loving his daughter and asks her if she knows where the tape of the two singing is. Jukebox lies and says no, but what happened is her father, Marvin, broke it after watching it and learning his daughter likes girls. Jukebox eventually gets the tape fixed and leaves it in front of his residence.

Jukebox’s lesbian lifestyle comes into question during bible study as the teacher uses the teachings to tear down gay relationships and adults sleeping with children, something we will be touching on in a bit.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Following the class, Jukebox decides to give her number to a boy she met at her mother’s church and goes on a date with him.

Raq Sees A Crack In Cartier’s Organization She Can Exploit

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Raq and Cartier are both sizing each other’s organizations up and down, but it seems Raq might have found a way to expand her drug empire’s reach.

While enjoying dinner at the Russian Tea Room, a gentleman by the name of Traymont Stinsons walks in, much to the surprise of Cartier.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Traymont and Cartier are business associates. The two have a tense exchange that ruffles Cartier’s feathers because Traymont tries to make it seem like Cartier isn’t responsible for him making money. Cartier dismisses Traymont and tells Raq, who has been taking in everything that he owns Traymont, and he is on top of Cartier’s distro in Baltimore, Maryland.

Taking that newfound information, Raq decides to meet with Traymont and hits him with a business proposal. Traymont is noticeably wearing shades to cover up his black eye, a product of him getting smart with Cartier, more than likely.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Raq meets with her current Colombian drug connect and informs him about her expansion down the east coast, and he is very intrigued by the idea. Juliana is also there, and she is still worried about Unique, but Raq tells her not to worry about him.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

They don’t know someone is listening, and the person takes the information he learned back to Traymont, who is trying to find all the tea about Raq.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

This situation is going to get highly messy before it becomes profitable. We see it already, especially dealing with the dangerous Cartier, who is one ruthless guy.

Even In Death Crown Camacho Haunts Lou Lou

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Last week, Lou Lou’s patience with Crown Camacho ran out after Camacho crossed the line one too many times leading to Lou Lou snatching the life out of him.

Thinking Camacho can no longer interfere with business, Lou Lou can now set his focus back on his artist Zisa both professionally and intimately. When we catch back up to them, they are in the studio working on their stroke and not the music. The smash session is interrupted by two Jamaican goons who sound fresh out of season two of Luke Cage.

The goons have come to collect the money Crown Camacho owes to Linton Manley, revealing that the now dead producer put the studio up as collateral as part of the shady deal he agreed to. Now, poor Lou Lou has to find $50,000 to pay to Linton, or he risks losing the one thing he needs to get him out of the drug game for good.

Lou Lou decides to hit up one of the drug spots for some cash, but it’s definitely not the $50,000 he needs and will get him in trouble with his sister later on down the line.

Linton Manley means business and sends the goons out again to send a message to Lou Lou. This time they send a more physical warning in the form of a beatdown.

Lou Lou is now desperate and seeks help from Cartier, who agrees to help him out, but he wants to own Camacho’s 50% stake in the studio, and Lou Lou agrees to the deal, which could land him in trouble with Raq, who claims to own the studio while talking with her mortgage broker.

Symphony Decides It’s Time To Leave Queens

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

No longer madly in love with Raq, Symphony decides it’s time to leave Queens for a better opportunity. He reveals his decision to Kanan and has no intentions of telling Raq about his decision until Kanan convinces him to do so.

Following his last meeting with Kanan, we see Burke is still hot on the case and is waiting outside in her car. When Symphony pulls off, she follows and eventually pulls him over. During the brief stop, Symphony doesn’t give Burke information she can use as she tries to figure out her partner Detective Howard’s connection with Kanan and Raq.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

During her investigation, Burke also learns that Raq was an informant for Howard, giving her the impression something might have gone down between Howard and Raq, meaning Kanan could be his son. But she can’t connect how everything has to do with his shooting.

After his encounter with Burke, Symphony meets up with Raq and tells her about his plans to leave Queens. Raq doesn’t seem to mind, but things get interesting when Symphony tells Raq about Burke stopping him and asking questions about her and Kanan.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Raq, of course, wonders what Symphony told Burke, but he insists he said nothing, which is the truth, but Raq is still on the fence. But she will get swayed into possibly killing her former lover, though.

Howard Delivers A Revelation About Scrap

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Howard stopped by the precinct and noticed Scrap’s mother trying to convince an officer that her son’s death was not a suicide. Speaking with an officer, Howard learns that Scrap was in the precinct after participating in an illegal card game, not because he was snitching or an informant.

Raq and Howard meet up to speak about Detective Burke doing too damn much, and Howard dismisses her investigation, telling Raq not to worry about her. He also informs her about mistaking Scrap for being a snitch having no idea that it was Raq who decided she had to kill one of her most loyal soldiers.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Before the meeting ends, Howard leaves her with something to think about when it comes to Symphony and whether or not she can trust him. Raq trusts no one, so he takes the extreme step of having to eliminate him.

Symphony is packing his Volvo and getting ready for his move and has no idea that Raq is watching, waiting to make her move.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Raq slowly creeps up on the unsuspecting Symphony for the kill but decides not to pull the trigger this time; but could Symphony’s time be up?

Marvin Might Have Messed Up The Working Relationship With The Italians

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Marvin has a few things to celebrate, he has completed his anger management courses, and it seems the therapist leading the classes is attracted to him, giving Marvin her number as a graduation gift.

Still, Marvin has an issue connecting with his daughter, and now he will likely have a problem with Raq because of his bonehead decision.

Marvin meets with the Italian mob boss, Sal’s son. Over a slice of pizza, Marvin asks him to take out a rat (Toni) who lives in an affluent neighborhood that Marvin had already spotted by cops while spying on Toni, who has moved on to a white guy after snitching on Marvin and landing him in a quick jail stint.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

After his anger management classes, Marvin is a changed person, but he still wants revenge on Toni. Sal’s son agrees to do the hit after talking with Unique, who says Marvin is trustworthy. Unique sees this as an opportunity to further mess things up with Raq to loosen her grip on the streets so he can get back in, and he is betting on things going badly.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

It’s the night of the hit, and Sal’s son is working alongside the racist Italian goon who tried to kill Kanan. Sal’s son is successful in taking out Toni but fails to kill her boyfriend and gets accidentally killed by his partner. The partner knows he messed up badly and is hiding in a pigeon coop where he will likely die from his gunshot wounds.

Marvin will be in deep trouble when word gets back to Raq and Sal.

What Is Paloma’s Game?

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

It took a few episodes, but Paloma finally makes her move on Kanan. Since he first met the mother/daughter duo, Paloma has been flirting heavily with the teenager.

Kanan stops by Paloma’s apartment to give her the gun she let him use to get his money back from the stickup kids who robbed him. Paloma wasted no time coming on to Kanan, who was hesitant because of his relationship with her daughter. Paloma manages to sway him into the bedroom using her physical gifts.

While robbing the cradle, Paloma’s daughter walks in and catches her boyfriend Kanan knocking boots with her mama, and as expected, she is upset. Kanan quickly jumps out of bed to try to explain, but Paloma lures him back into the bed even after her daughter chucked a whole carton of milk at them.

Paloma’s daughter decides to take that hurt and turn it into revenge on her mother for stealing her man and tells Raq about the improper relationship she is having with her son Kanan.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

Source: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

We can’t wait to see next week how Raq will deal with Paloma and if Paloma sleeping with Kanan is part of some hidden agenda.

Photo: Starz / Power Book III: Raising Kanan

‘Power Book III: Raising Kanan’ Recap: Paloma Is Robbing Kanan’s Cradle, Lou Lou Makes A Deal With The Devil  was originally published on

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