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CBS This Morning host Gayle King had a visceral emotional reaction after viewing two incidents pertaining to state violence and Black men, made the rounds on social media after Memorial Day weekend.

King’s colleague, Vladimir Duthiers began the segment sharing a viral video of a white woman named Amy Cooper, who made a false police claim on Monday morning when she dialed 911 warning of a “threatening” Black man. The man in question, Christian Cooper (the two are not related), shared the video on Facebook after he asked Amy to leash her dog in a popular area of Central Park.

Dutheirs began to expound upon how throughout history some white women have used their privilege to provoke violence against innocent Black men.

“Once again I say thank goodness that there’s videotape,” said King said after Dutheirs’ segment ended. “As the daughter of a black man and the mother of a black man, this is really too much for me today.”

The Central Park incident cut even deeper after it was revealed that a Black man named George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police in a similar, brutal fashion as Eric Garner in 2014. Floyd was arrested by Minneapolis officers related to an attempted forgery, according to a press release.

However, it was the manner in which Floyd was handled, with a white officer pining his knee into Floyd’s neck, as he yelled that he couldn’t breathe. Floyd’s last moments were shared across social media on Tuesday, at the same time as the Central Park incident.

“I’m still rattled by this last story and she’s practically strangling her dog to make these false accusations against another black man,” she continued, referencing Floyd’s death. “I’m still so upset by that last story where the man is handcuffed underneath a car where people are pleading he can’t breathe and we’re watching a man die.”

“So we go from that story to this story, where she falsely accuses a black man on television,” continued King. “I don’t even know what to do or how to handle this at this particular time. I know that this is … I am speechless. I am really, really speechless about what we’re seeing in television this morning. It feels to me like an open season and it’s not sometimes a safe place to be in this country for Black men and today it’s too much for me.”