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May is mental health month and with the COVID-19 pandemic always on your mind, this can easily be a tough time on your mental health.  Knowing that you’re not alone and there are ways to help can bring you peace of mind.  Here are some ways to recharge your mind while still in quarantine.


Invest in aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy doesn’t just create a refreshing ambiance but it also has many different health benefits. After a long day of working from home can still be stressful, and turning on that diffuser can make a difference in your day! Researchers say that aromatherapy “works by stimulating smell receptors in the nose, which then send messages through the nervous system to the limbic system — the part of the brain that controls emotions.” Some benefits include improving sleep quality, relieving anxiety and stress, boosts energy, and improves focus.

Find fun ways to workout.

Working out should definitely be on your list to keep you feeling recharged.  If it’s starting to feel like a chore, then spice up your routine. Find a dance class on YouTube, join a workout live session on Instagram, or find a friend to join virtually.  Creating a workout plan can be as easy as taking a walk around your neighborhood, just be sure to make it a priority to be active.

Learn something new.

There’s something on your list that you’ve always wanted to learn and this is the time to conquer it! Whether it’s learning a new skill, a language, or even perfecting a craft, simply stimulating your mind can make you feel like a new person! Take on a new project to keep your mind active during this time.

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Change your diet.

It’s been roughly two months since stay-at-home orders have been in place and there isn’t any sign of when we will be “normal” again, so you have to stay healthy! During a pandemic that can extremely affect your health,  it’s important to feed your body fuel.  When thinking about changing your diet, make it fun and interesting.  Find new recipes on Pinterest, try food services like Daily Harvest or HelloFresh, or get some inspirations from YouTube videos. Finding ways to explore your palette can be very exciting because you are bound to find something new and tasty.

Do something out of your comfort zone.

Coming out of quarantine a new person is a trending topic because life as we knew it is no more.  Moving forward we’re seeing that our routines are changing.  Life is too short to live in a bubble so try something new.  There’s always something that you’ve wanted to do that you may have thought was crazy, now is the time to explore that spontaneous side of yourself (but within social distancing means).

Make something artsy.

Art is a very calming activity that has many lanes to explore.  Some ideas are to create a painting, tie-die an outfit, or knit a blanket.  Finding ways to spark your creativity can make you feel refreshed especially when you can create something you can use around your home.

Create a playlist of your favorite songs.

Where can you go wrong with making a playlist of all your favorite songs?  Music can easily boost your mood and when you create a playlist of everything you love will make you feel instantly recharged. Take it back to the songs that remind you of being a child, songs that remind you of your best friend, or just good moments in your life.  Play your playlist during your workout session, cleaning the house, or laying down in your room with your aromatherapy.