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Cannes Lions : Day Four

Five months after her shocking robbery in Paris, Kim Kardashian set the record straight on exactly how the frightening attack went down in an emotional episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. The 36-year-old believes the thieves who broke into her room had been following her during her entire stay in Paris and pounced at the very moment they knew she would be alone.

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“I was Snapchatting that I was home and everyone was going to out, so I think they knew Pascal [Duvier] was out with Kourtney and that I was there by myself,” she recalls in the emotional clip. “They had this window of opportunity and just went for it,” she added.

Kim goes on to give a blow by blow account of how the robbery went down. She says men dressed in police uniforms broke into her room. Along with them was the concierge, who they held hostage and used as their translator since they only spoke French. They then took her engagement ring and dragged her to the hallway while they ransacked the rest of the room.

“I was looking at the gun, looking down back at the stairs,” she says tearing up. “I have a split second in my mind to make this quick decision. Am I going to run down the stairs and either be shot in the back—it makes me so upset to think about it—but either they’re going to shoot me in the back or if I make it and they don’t, if the elevator doesn’t open in time or the stairs are locked, then I’m f–ked! There’s no way out.”

“I have babies. Please, they can’t understand me, but tell them I have babies at home,” she begged the concierge. “Please, I have a family. Let me live!” After spending those agonizing few minutes mentally preparing herself to be raped and/or killed, Kim says she was finally duck taped by her hands and feet and put in the bathtub as the thieves made a run for it.

In a sneak peek of next week’s episode, Kim admits just how traumatizing the ordeal has been. “I can’t sleep unless I have four security guards just outside my house,” Kim says in the clip. “Do you think we have enough security?” Khloe Kardashian asks before Kris Jenner responds, “No.”


Kim Kardashian Can’t Sleep Without At Least Four Bodyguards After The Paris Robbery  was originally published on