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Bowl of fresh mixed berries and yogurt

Source: Ozgur Coskun / Getty

2. Breakfast

First, eat a light breakfast! That breakfast-is-the-most-important-meal-of-the-day line is a true. Not eating after waking up causes the body’s metabolism to slow down, which, in turn, makes you feel tired. A light meal in the morning helps speed up your metabolism and burn calories quicker throughout the day–this is what boosts your energy! If you’re in too much of a rush to make a little meal, a fruit smoothie should hold you over ’til lunchtime. It’s quick and easy to make; all you need is some fruit, 100% fruit juice (Ocean Spray works) and a blender.

And second, replace that other round of coffee and energy drinks with green tea. Not only does green tea contain a little caffeine, but the antioxidants in it help fight off oxidizing agents that would otherwise drain your energy. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cancers including breast and bladder.

Fuel for Production: 3 Ways to Increase Your Energy - Page 2  was originally published on

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