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Rickey Smiley Morning Show Featured Video
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Source: Jamie Grill / Getty

How many times a day do you look to coffee, soda or candy in your quest to stay awake during work or school? If often, you may have been looking into all the wrong remedies.

Consuming the above mentioned to fill sleepy voids usually end up making people feel more sluggish than they were to begin with. Sugar and coffee, which can improve or worsen your nerves and alertness, are not always the right answers. Too much coffee causes irritability and stinky breath, and sugar highs die hard. Plus, those options are temporary.

Need a solution? Here’s a quick list of healthy ways to help keep you energized throughout the day.

1. Regulate Sleep

Six to seven hours of a sleep a day is ideal, don’t you agree? So, stick to it! If you set a maximum bedtime and cut back on the naps, waking up in the morning won’t be so hard. It’ll become routine.

Click through to the next page for the next tip…

Fuel for Production: 3 Ways to Increase Your Energy  was originally published on

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